
Hero Image_nba2k 11

NBA2K is a house name for millions of NBA fans around the world, seamlessly blending the real game with the virtual in an unparalleled gaming experience unlike many. 

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2K engaged us as the brand was struggling to connect with new players, focusing more on features than what made it amazing to start with: The Players and the Love of The Game.

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We helped 2K redefine their internal mission and galvanized senior leadership around a strategy and vision to refuel the passion and transcend the real life game with the virtual one. 


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NBA2K Brand Development Master 190425 PRESENTER.026

Internal sizzle video* © to their respective owners

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The work took shape as a Keynote presentation, a sizzle video, concept visualization, strategy and a brand book.

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We expressed the strategy in many variations that evoked the power of the Game to show it in a pure manner as if it was the real game.

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Brand Book

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The brand work ultimately inspired the final artwork for the Game Cover and subsequent campaign work for the launch.

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NBA2K Brand Development Demo+Preorder 190425 sm

Custom font concept
inspired by the court.

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Due to the nature of this project, some explorations use existing content as proof of concept to illustrate potential. None of the work was used commercially by NBA2K.

* Internal Sizzle video was not for commercial use. All copyright rights belong to their respective original content creators and owners.

Final Game Artwork by Matt Comer



all rights


to supermorebetter and respective clients