Bixby 2.0

Samsung engaged us to help design and develop the UX visual look and feel for their 2.0 release of Bixby, their “personal assistant” for mobile and home products.

Bixby is always learning from you, the cloud and its environment. The more it knows the clearer and more relevant the responses.
This lent to a great visual metaphor — bringing order (defined edge) to ambiguity (blurred edges).

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Bixby is the connection between your world and the connected world. We feel it has to imbue a sense of humanity and tactility while also retaining the marvel and intrigue of the technology.

As more and more of our interactions with technology become voice controlled it becomes pivotal for the visuals that represent them be both reactive and comforting.

We see Bixby as floating above you at all times. Elegantly making itself apparent when needed and disappearing when not.

We designed around 4 key states of interaction:

1. Listening
2. Streaming
3. Processing
4. Results

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Installed on over 10 Million devices to date, Bixby is used daily by millions to help them do more.

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Bixby is also installed and used on a plethora of Samsung Smart devices, from Televisions to watches.

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Bixby Event Stage

As with all our projects, Iteration was key to our process, working closely with their internal design team to help drive a vision and character for Bixby.

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Shape and color studies.

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Background color studies


Color explorations.

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Early studies of shape, color and placement.


UI/UX Branding Guidelines OOH Event Experience

Samsung South Korea


Suggested Projects


all rights


to supermorebetter and respective clients